Tuesday, April 20, 2021

April 20, 2021

Log-into MS HomePage/Mrs. Bearden’s Page
Check your grades in PowerSchool--Click on each score for each class. (Mrs. Bearden may be asking you to work on missing work, if you have not taken care of your business!)
  1. Typing Club--You need to make sure you get Lessons 55-60 completed today!  Double check all lessons to make sure you have 5 stars or a check mark!  Work to complete any missing stars today!
  2.  Typing Test--Are you getting faster?
  3. INTRODUCTION:  Computer Art Project
  4. Find an appropriate "Cartoon Picture"
  5. Get Approval of your Cartoon! (It has to be a school appropriate cartoon)
  6. --Open a Google Doc
  7. PASTE the Cartoon picture onto the Google Doc
  8. Make sure your picture fills up the entire page---and hasn't been cut off in any place!
  9. SAVE IT FOR Tomorrow!  
  10. -It's About ME! Project Work Time!  You need to finish taking pictures today.  Start to import your pictures into your slides and working towards having a completed project by the end of class on Friday! This is a target due date, we can adjust it if you need more time.
  11. BIS TIME:  12:15

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